At Your Service Since 1978 in Montreal
A Bit of History
In 1978, Antonio Mucci created Pépinière Mucci in the east end of the island of Montreal. He was also working under contract for residential landscaping projects as well as commercial projects such as the Marquette Park in Montreal, the Tanquay Prison, the Phillipe Pinel Institute, etc. A little later, the McDonald's restaurant chain made its entry in the Quebec marketplace, and the company did all their work related to landscaping, maintenance and snow removal for about ten years.
In 1988, Mr. Mucci decided to put a stop to the landscaping business and focus on his new passion for the "Garden Centre ".
In 1990, his son, Angelo Mucci, decided to make a foray into the area of large landscaping projects, but as a supplier to municipalities, contractors, and other government departments such as Hydro Quebec, the Ministry of Transport, A.M.T., etc.
Today, Pépinière A. Mucci inc. offers a wide range of landscaping products for both residential customers and contractors. Pépinière A. Mucci inc. continues to be one of the largest suppliers of soil mixes on the island of Montreal.